Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Launched Nationwide

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Launched Nationwide , a move that will allow users to switch operators without losing their phone numbers. A consumer would be required to continue with an operator for a minimum period of three months in order to avail the MNP service.

How To Process the Request For Mobile Number Portability

1. They will have to send an SMS from their phone to 1900.

2. Based on this, they will get a unique porting code from the existing provider.

3. The customer has to fill an application mentioning the code to the selected new service provider for transferring the number.

4. Maximum waiting period for porting would be 48 Hrs To seven working days

5. The fee charge may cost you about Rs 19. Your cell number will be switched off for only one hour. All bills after that are paid to your new company. You’ll be stuck with them for at least 50 days before you can shift again, so choose with care.

While you can shift from a GSM service to CDMA or vice versa, you cannot shift from one state to another.
“The circles don’t change. If you are in Delhi, you are a Delhi subscriber. If you shift from one state to another, roaming kicks in, just like it does right now,”
 For Details : Here 

Tags : mobile number portability in india, mobile number portability ppt, mobile number portability in tamilnadu, mnp, mobile number portability in chennai
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