Learn To Make Email Signatures for Email

Hack Gmail For Digital Signature :

Unlike Yahoo, Gmail doesn't support Digital Signature or any HTML or Flash animation like Feedburner E-mail signature.GMail has a wonderful rich text editor to compose emails but there are some desirable things that you cannot accomplish in GMail using standard techniques. Find Here The Easy Way to Make Your Gmail Signature Attractive and Funny.Use The Following Tricks to make your Email Signatures.

Let's learn about small tricks to embed HTML Signature in Gmail like this :

or like this

Raj Mangalam
Conatct Me : +1 1234567
Visit Me : Raj Blog , Raj Blog Feed
Mail Me : Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail

Create an HTML signature snippet using notepad or WYSIWYG editors like Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Golive or online with Geocities/GooglePages/Tripod Lycos. Your signature can have all kind of HTML tags (including DIV, EMBED, TABLE) but all linked Image files, audio files and video clips must be pointing somewhere the web and not on your desktop.

Copy the Created page and paste it to the compose mode of Gmail, To embed Feedburner RSS feed animator, open that Email graphic in your browser window and drag-n-drop it anywhere in your gmail message.

There is one easy short cut to make your E mail signature beautiful in Gmail. Yahoo, Outlook and Thunderbird supports this features. Use this Feedburner Email snippet code in the option -> Signature section and send a test mail including html signature to your Gmail account. From there you can easily Add your Email Image to Gmail.

Implementation in Thunderbird, Outlook, Yahoo and for more : Feedburner Email Code

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